Making the Argument for Sanskrit : a Real Problem and Directions for a Solution

gruenendahl gruenen at MAIL.SUB.UNI-GOETTINGEN.DE
Thu Jan 4 13:59:14 UTC 2007

So now it's Professor Houben's 
> article of Beyond Orientalism (ed. by K. Preisendanz and E. Franco,
> Amsterdam 1997): Orientalism, its critique, and beyond."
> IIAS-Newsletter, no. 15 p. 16. International Institute for Asian Studies, 1998.

However, this says nothing about his current position on the claims cited in my 
earlier message. Are they unceremoniously dropped, or does he stick to them 
courageously (I think that was the word), in spite of the objections I raised? Has he 
taken notice of my point, and - are these claims open for debate?

"Making the argument for Sanskrit" is not entirely unrelated to the style of 
discussion on this list, I think.

Reinhold Grünendahl


Dr. Reinhold Gruenendahl
Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek
Fachreferat sued- und suedostasiatische Philologien
(Dept. of Indology)

37070 Goettingen, Germany
Tel (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 52 83
Fax (+49) (0)5 51 / 39 23 61
gruenen at

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