Timothy Lubin LubinT at WLU.EDU
Fri Dec 21 11:51:00 UTC 2007

The links given by Paul below all take me to the RISM main page, but the
buttons along the left side of the page, including the one for the
Palaeography page, work for me (i.e., link to pages stored in the
WayBackMachine).  The links to the four ak.sara charts on that page also
still work, but use the PDF versions, since the image-files of the
aksaras themselves on the HTML versions seem to have been lost.
I have downloaded it all successfully and can provide, if needed.
Timothy Lubin
Associate Professor, Department of Religion
Director, East Asian Studies Program
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia  USA

lubint at wlu.edu   |   http://home.wlu.edu/~lubint 

Tel: 540.458.8146 (office) 
Fax: 540.458.8498

>>> "Paul G. Hackett" <ph2046 at COLUMBIA.EDU> 12/20/2007 11:58 AM >>>
The main site was live as recently as this past Spring, but both that 
site <http://www.rism.cn ( http://www.rism.cn/ )> and its linked site
<http://sfl.pku.edu.cn/sanskrit/pale.htm> now appear to be dead.  You 
can however, access some of the main pages of RISM via the Internet 
Archive's "WaybackMachine" at:


and in particular:


The <http://sfl.pku.edu.cn/sanskrit/pale.htm> page does *not* appear 
to have been archived, however.

Paul Hackett
Columbia University


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