Indological Digital Library

Ithamar Theodor theodor at RESEARCH.HAIFA.AC.IL
Fri Apr 6 07:16:09 UTC 2007

apologies for a mistake

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard MAHONEY" <r.mahoney at ICONZ.CO.NZ>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Indological Digital Library

> Dear Juergen,
> On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 00:50, JN wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:46:51 +0200 Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK>
>> wrote:
>> [snip...]
>> >  I have a growing personal digital library of valuable books as PDF
>> > files.
>> [snip...]
>> is there any platform where scholars could share their pdf-files? I have
>> an ever growing library of valuable indological source books in 
>> pdf-format
>> too. if there was a platform to share such resources, the effort of
>> scanning etc. would be reduced and everyone could contribute his or her
>> pdfs. and everybody else could share the fruit of the individual effort.
> Some tentative progress in this direction is underway.
> Please refer to brief details on Repositorium here:
> Links to fuller details and screenshots can be found here:
>> but then the question arises: what about copyright laws?
> It is absolutely essential that the rights of copyright owners be
> respected. Please refer, for example, to the IeB Copyright Policy here:
>> any chance to overcome this problem, anybody concerned with the question
>> of a (centralized) indological digital library?
> Over the coming weeks Repositorium is being migrated from local
> hardware to a bureau. When the system is ready, an announcement will be
> made soliciting interest. Initially users will be given the opportunity
> jointly to establish an Indological and Buddhological bibliographical
> database. In the meantime, please direct all queries to:
> Richard Mahoney <r.mahoney at>
> Best regards,
> Richard
> -- 
> Richard MAHONEY | internet:
> Littledene      | telephone/telefax (man.): +64 3 312 1699
> Bay Road        | cellular: +64 27 482 9986
> OXFORD, NZ      | email: r.mahoney at
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Indica et Buddhica: Materials for Indology and Buddhology
> Repositorium:
> Philologica:
> Subscriptions:

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