Pre-William Jones Western commentaries on Sanskrit works

Christophe Vielle vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Fri Oct 20 15:34:03 UTC 2006

Thank you very much for this very useful reference, and sorry for having
qualified the Carmelite P.A.S.B. as a Jesuit (as Hanxleden was).
In fact there is one Hanxleden's autograph ms. identified by J.-C. Muller
(BEI 1985, p.  134) in Roma (Biblioteca Nazionale, Ms S. Maria di Scala 17,
from the P.A.S.B. Collection) which bears the title "Yodhisthira", and
which is described as "épopée en écriture grantha". That could be related
to his "Latin work on the celebrated rhyming poem Yudhi.s.thiravijaya"
(maybe a copy of the original work).
Best wishes,

>This one is listed among the unpublished works of Paulinus
>by Leopold Wetzel (1936). See
>Wetzl, Leopold: Der österreichische Karmelit Paulinus à
>S. Bartholomaeo: Persönlichkeit und Werk. Wien 1936, p. 97
>(No. 34).
>According to Wetzel it belongs to a set of three works:
>1. Celeberrimum poema Maga Samscrdam. - 2. De sex divinis
>attributis Carmen sermone Malabarico-samscrdamico contra
>Polytheistas  Indos. - 3. Vita S. M. Theresiae a Jesu
>versibus Samscrdamico-Malabaricis composita a P. Paulino.
>In 1936, when Wetzel wrote his book, the manuscripts were
>stored in the Bibliotheca Vittorio Emanuele (Bibl.
>Nazionale), Roma, and in the Library and Archive of the
>Carmelites in Rome (Wetzel, p. 91)
>Hope it helps,
>Peter Wyzlic
>Indologisches Seminar der
>Universität Bonn
>Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
>D-53113 Bonn
>Deutschland / Germany

Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste, Université de Louvain
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32-(0)10-47 49 54 or 58 (office)/ -(0)2-640 62 66 (home)
E-mail: christophe.vielle at

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