Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhara

Stephen Hodge s.hodge at PADMACHOLING.PLUS.COM
Wed Oct 18 19:36:02 UTC 2006

Dear Stefan,

Thanks very much for the help -- it's much appreciated.   The pdf arrived 

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stefan Baums" <baums at U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhara

Dear Stephen,

the Dhoṇa sūtra has since been edited by Mark Allon in:

   Mark Allon, 2001.  Three Gāndhārī Ekottarikāgama‐type sūtras:
   British Library Kharoṣṭhī fragments 12 and 14.  Seattle:
   University of Washington Press. (Gandhāran Buddhist texts,
   volume 2.)

I’ll send you the edited text and the translation (three pages)
offlist later today.

Best wishes,

Stefan Baums
Asian Languages and Literature
University of Washington 

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