prehistory of release/bondage terms (NOT S & M!)

Alfred Collins acollins at GCI.NET
Mon Oct 16 21:22:02 UTC 2006

Professor Despande,

Thank you for the reference.  I will try to look it up on JSTOR.  If I fail, would it be possible for you to send a copy via email attachment?

Just as bona fides I wrote an article partly on this in the Journal of Indo-European Studies in 1975 (Reflections of RV X.129, vol 3, pp271-281).

My interest now is in middle ground concepts mediating or bridging the gap between states of ignorance/suffering and enlightenment/release.  The thought on RV concepts is that midspace in vedic cosmogony/cosmology may be such a bridge.  Obviously too much to cover here, but I am giving a talk on the idea in the yoga literature at the DANAM meeting in DC in a few weeks.

As to the S&M reaction, (raising my right hand) I am not and never have been a member of any Hindutva or anti-Hindutva party, so help me .......(fill in the blank).

Al Collins, Ph.D.

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