Quotation help sought

Christophe Vielle vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Mon Nov 20 11:02:25 UTC 2006

Dear Stephen,
I would only say that at a first stage there was a text that can be called
the "original" or "classical" vaayuprokta B.dP (= VaaP/B.dP "Kernel" of
see thereon my study:
"From the Vaayuprokta to the Vaayu and Brahmaa.n.da Puraa.nas: Preliminary
remarks towards a critical edition of the vaayuprokta
Brahmaa.n.dapuraa.na", in Koskikallio, P. ed. Epics, khilas and purýžas:
Continuities and ruptures. Proceedings of the Third Dubrovnik
International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puraa.nas, September
2002, Zagreb : Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2005, pp. 535-560.
Thereafter, at a second stage, new texts were produced, claiming firstly to
be "supplements" (uttara) to the original B.dP, or, secondly and much more
often, "parts" of a virtual B.d "mahaa-puraa.na" (with various bhaagas or
even sa.mhitaas as in the case of the Skanda). And there are indeed
numerous texts offering such a claim. See thereon my study (forthcoming):
 "Transmission et recréation puraa.nique : le cas du Brahmaa.n.dapuraa.na",
in Gerschheimer, G. & Colas, G. eds Transmission des textes en Inde, Paris.
Therefore, the mediaeval and later quotations "from the B.dP" can refer to
many different texts. In the case of yours, which can thus be found in
Madhva, there is the supplementary problem that, according to the
researches of Mesquita, Madhva created himself false quotations for his own
philosophical/theological purposes.
Mesquita, Roque 1997, Madhva und seine unbekannten literarischen Quellen.
Einige Beobachtungen (Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 24),
Wien: Institute of Indology (new ed. : Madhva's Unknown Literary Sources:
Some observations, Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, 2000).
Hoping that in can help,

>Christophe Vielle wrote:
>> It is obvious that it does not come from the early vaayuprokta B.dP (viz.
>> =
>> VaaP). [snip] I find yours among Madhva's possible "false" quotations
>> (cf. the work by Mesquita), viz. at BhaagTN (p. 19, 12-14):
>Dear Christopher,
>Thank you for speedily answering my enquiry. But could you elaborate a
>little on your above comments, as this is not an area with which I am very
>> I would be interested to know where you found it.
>That great repository of human knowledge: Wikipedia.  I am trying there to
>correct a misconception that the Buddha emanation of Vishnu is benign with
>respect to the asuras.  People there seem to think that the pauranic
>depiction of the Buddha is flattering to him.
>Best wishes,
>Stephen Hodge

Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste, Université de Louvain
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32-(0)10-47 49 54 or 58 (office)/ -(0)2-640 62 66 (home)
E-mail: christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be

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