Deshpande, Madhav
mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Thu Nov 16 14:46:56 UTC 2006
You may find some useful discussion of Uha in the context of Sanskrit grammar by Johannes Bronkhorst in his article "Panini and the Veda Reconsidered," published in Paninian Studies: Professor S.D. Joshi Felicitation Volume, edited by M. Deshpande and Saroja Bhate, published by Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1991. On p. 83, Bronkhorst renders Uha as: " the adjustments Vedic mantras undergo to make them fit for other ritual contexts." In addition to this aspect, I would suggest that the word Uha carries with it the meaning of "inferred" from the context. This is how Patanjali and the commentators use the term uhitavyam in many places.
Madhav M. Deshpande
-----Original Message-----
From: Indology on behalf of Lars Martin Fosse
Sent: Thu 11/16/2006 5:14 AM
To: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
Subject: Uha
Dear members of the list,
I have tried to find a good English translation of the grammatical term Uha,
and I am not sure I am happy with what I have found. Is there a vaiyAkaraNa
out there with a good suggestion? Something that sounds "modern"?
Lars Martin Fosse
Dr.art. Lars Martin Fosse
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