1918 (Re: Charlotte Vaudeville

Jean-Luc Chevillard jlc at CCR.JUSSIEU.FR
Wed May 24 14:11:42 UTC 2006

At 13:29 24/05/2006, you wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,
>Does anyone have to hand the date of birth of Charlotte Vaudeville. whose 
>death was recently announced?

According to the EFEO website,
she was born in 1918 at "La Tronche"

I hope this helps

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS, Paris)

>With thanks
>John Brockington
>Professor J. L. Brockington
>Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies
>Chair, Organising Committee, 13th World Sanskrit Conference
>Asian Studies
>7-8 Buccleuch Place
>Edinburgh EH8 9LW

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