help with Savarkar poem

Deshpande, Madhav mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Tue Mar 28 14:36:28 UTC 2006

The famous poem by Savarkar begins with the Marathi words:

ne majasi ne parat maatRbhUmIlA, sAgarA prAN taLamaLalA

"O Ocean, take me back to my Motherland.  My soul is in torment."

If you need the full wording, I can probably find it somewhere in my collection of Marathi books.

Madhav M. Deshpande

-----Original Message-----
From: Indology on behalf of Allen W Thrasher
Sent: Tue 3/28/2006 8:56 AM
Subject: help with Savarkar poem
I am getting some tape recordings I made in Pune, or rather then Poona, back in 1970 into order before donating them to the Library of Congress.  Among them is a young lady singing a setting of a poem of V.D. Savarkar of his longing for India from across the sea, and the dejected state of his motherland.  The refrain in Sanskrit in Naya punar api mAm.  I believe it is a translation, not an original poem in Sanskrit.
I have of course access to Savakar's complete works here, but would be grateful if anyone can tell me offhand, saving me perhaps a prolonged search:
1.  What is the title and/or first line of the Marathi original?
2.  Is the translation by S. himself or by another?
3.  If the latter, where is it published?
4.  Where was either the original or the trans. originally published?
I am also posting this to the Maharashtra Studies Group.
Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D., Senior Reference Librarian
South Asia Team, Asian Division
Library of Congress, Jefferson Building 150
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-4810
tel. 202-707-3732; fax 202-707-1724; athr at
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