Sanskrit grad student fellowship summer and fall

Peter M. Scharf Scharf at BROWN.EDU
Wed Mar 8 03:31:22 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues,
	Please bring the attached fellowship to the notice of 
qualified graduate students and encourage them to apply.
	Thank you.

Peter Scharf

Sanskrit graduate student
Summer and fall fellowship
The Sanskrit Library Project at Brown University invites graduate 
students with expertise in Sanskrit, and comfort working with data 
files to apply for a fellowship for the summer and fall to join an 
NSF-funded project to develop an internet-based digital Sanskrit 
library.  The project integrates Sanskrit digital archives, digital 
lexica, and linguistic software in a richly inter-linked environment 
to facilitate philological and linguistic research.  The fellowship 
provides a stipend of $1,650/mo for two months during the summer and 
four and a half months beginning September 1, as well as tuition for 
one course, and the graduate student health fee in the fall semester. 
Particularly desirable skills include experience with Sanskrit 
lexicography and grammar, digital data files, and computational 
methods.  Interested persons are requested to send a letter of 
application, c.v., relevant papers, and two recommendations to Peter 
Scharf, Department of Classics, Brown University, PO Box 1856, 
Providence, RI 02912, USA by April 1.  Application materials may be 
emailed to scharf at
Peter M. Scharf             (401) 863-2720 office
Department of Classics      (401) 863-2123 dept
Brown University
PO Box 1856                 (401) 863-7484 fax
Providence, RI 02912        Scharf at

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