
Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE
Wed Jun 28 13:07:17 UTC 2006

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:34:06 -0400
  "Deshpande, Madhav" <mmdesh at UMICH.EDU> wrote:
> The full verse that I have heard many many times is:
> lAlayet panca varSANi daza varSANi tADayet /
> prApte tu SoDaze varSe putre mitravad Acaret //
> Off-hand I don't know of the textual source for the 

It is listed in Boehtlingk's "Indische Sprüche", Vol. 3, 
No. 5848. Literary sources given there are e.g. in 
Canakya-Niti collections referenced as Can. 11 (after 
Haeberlin and Weber), Vrddha-Canakya (after a manuscript 
in Berlin).
A similar verse can be found in Boehtlingk's collection, 
No. 5747:
rAjavat paJca varSANi daza varSANi dAsavat /
...(the rest as above)

I am pretty sure that L. Sternbach in his 
Canakya-Niti-text-tradition gives lots of references more.

All the best
Peter Wyzlic

Indologisches Seminar der
Universität Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
D-53113 Bonn
Deutschland / Germany

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