Decoding date in Sanskrit verse

Jenni Cover jenni.cover at URNET.COM.AU
Thu Jan 12 01:06:59 UTC 2006

Thankyou to all those who contributed to the discussion - I am in awe of
your knowledge and appreciate your kind contributions. Apologies for the
delay but I have been away since the last posting last December.

To summarize the outcome of this learned discussion.
The original question was to decode the date in a verse of Divakara's
commentary on Narahari's Bodhasara.
Sake gajatrimunibhUmimite tu varshe
rAmAdrinAgaSaSacihnamite tapasye
pakshe site sutaSaSAnkatithau jnavAre
vyAkhyA samAptimagamadvibudhaikavandyA 

After ranging through a variety of possibilities, the final outcome was
Wednesday 13th March 1816 CE. 

If this is incorrect please let me know.

Jenni Cover
PhD Student
University of Sydney

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