Commercial Nagari font? (fwd)

Walter Slaje slaje at T-ONLINE.DE
Fri Feb 17 20:56:00 UTC 2006

------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
Datum:   	Fri, 17 Feb 2006 17:41:28 +0100 (CET)
Von:            	"Dr. Juergen Hanneder" 
<juergen.hanneder at>
Betreff:        	Weiterleitung an Indology
Subject: Commercial Nagari font?
--text follows this line--

Dear Colleagues,

can anyone recommend high quality Devanagari fonts for Sanskrit.

I think that I have probably seen most of the free Nagari fonts
available and I am of course aware that some of them are quite
good. And, of course, looking at the glyph table of some of the
commercial fonts is slightly disappointing, but I have not yet given
up hope for more professional tools for printing. 

Kind regards

Juergen Hanneder
University of Halle

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