
Jonathan Silk silk at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Fri Dec 22 15:42:38 UTC 2006

This does not refer to the text Eli is looking at/for, but the 
Sanskrit Word-Index to the Abhisamayalamkaraloka 
Prajnaparamitavyakhya [excuse abscene of diacritics] by Ryusei Keira 
and Noboru Ueda does list a number of occurences in the sutra itself, 
and many more in the cy. In the sutra they appear on pp 69, 72, 92, 
482, 841, 875 (Wogihara ed) --if it occurs other than as the first 
member of a compound, you'd have to look elsewhere though...
Jonathan Silk
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
Center for Buddhist Studies
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
phone: (310) 206-8235
fax:  (310) 825-8808
silk (at)

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