The Buddha and the Upanishads
L.S. Cousins
selwyn at NTLWORLD.COM
Mon Dec 11 07:53:57 UTC 2006
Timothy Lubin:
>Christian's: the extant forms of the "early" Buddhist sources are
>almost certainly not nearly as early as the extant forms of the
>Upani.sads; and the Buddha depicted in them may differ greatly from the
>actual Siddhattha Gotama, and cannot be offered as concrete evidence for
>any biographical details of his life and teachings.
I cannot see the first of these statements in Christian Wedermeyer's
post. Is this really true ? I am not at all expert in the textual
history of the; so I am curious about the date from which
we can establish their exact text in the detail with which the Pali
text is established by Buddhaghosa.
>The strong form of the critique echoed by Christian here is that
>virtually nothing can be asserted with certainty about what Buddhism
>taught much prior to Buddhaghosa, and that even the oldest strata (e.g.,
>Suttanipaata) may not precede 1st c. BCE.
In this strong form, the critique seems simply untenable. We have
translations in Chinese from the late second century which tell us a
great deal about what Buddhism taught. That is two centuries or so
before Buddhaghosa. We even have some Gaandhaarii texts apparently
from the first century A.D. We have inscriptions and sculptures from
earlier still.
I am myself somewhat sceptical about the detailed stratification of
the Buddhist texts within the four Nikaayas. But I cannot see any way
to doubt that texts like & Apadaana are later than
anything else in the Pali Canon, while texts like the Petavatthu or
much of the canonical Abhidhamma are later than most of the other
works in the four Nikaayas. It is very hard to conceive of these
developments as happening over a short period of time.
>Asoka at least knows of the Buddhavacana, although he knows it only as
>an ethical ideal, with a heavenly reward, plus the names of a few texts.
We cannot speak of what he knows, only of what he says. Is there any
king in the history of Buddhism who recommends his subjects to
practise meditation and attain ?
Lance Cousins
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