Name of Tibet

Jonathan Silk silk at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Wed Aug 9 06:40:03 UTC 2006

My friend Dan Martin has asked me to refer the 
following to the worthies--I quote his email as 
he sent it to me:

  In reading the latest incarnation of the Wiki 
entry for Tibet, I found the statement "The 
Sanskrit name for Tibet is Trivishtap."  This was 
news to me.  So I Schmoogled all over the web and 
found the same statement repeated over and over 
again.  So I decided it must be true, even though 
Bho.ta or Bho.tânta or Bho.tade'sa are the only 
Sanskrit names for Tibet I've ever known (some 
form of Bho.ta is used until today).  The Wiki 
entry doesn't mention Bho.ta even once.  The 
dictionaries give Trivi.s.tapa as meaning n. of a 
lingam, three staves of a parivrâjaka, Indra's 
heaven, etc. but don't mention Tibet.

I know Agehananda Bharati wrote something called 
"References to Tibet in Medieval Indian Literary 
Documents," Tibet Society Bulletin, vol. 3 
(1969).  But I don't seem to have that issue 

Maybe this is the kind of question that could be 
thrown out to the big group of Indologists.
Jonathan Silk
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
Center for Buddhist Studies
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
phone: (310) 206-8235
fax:  (310) 825-8808
silk (at)

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