
Stuart Ray Sarbacker s-sarbacker at NORTHWESTERN.EDU
Fri Apr 7 17:44:24 UTC 2006


I recently attempted to order the following 
volume through Interlibrary Loan without success. 
Does anyone happen to know where there might be 
an available (loan-ready) copy?

Author: Gurujñanavasishtha.; Chamier, L. M.,, tr.
Title: Surya gita: or the song of the sun, the 
philosophy of mental and physical action, forming 
part of the Karma Kanda, one of the three books 
of the Tattvasarayana, from the Sanskrit,
Edition: 1st ed.
Imprint: Madras, Oriental Pub. Co., 1904
Verified: WorldCat Desc: xxx, 121, [1] p. : Type: 
BookWorldCat Desc: xxx, 121, [1] p. : Type: Book

Many Thanks,
Dr. Stuart Sarbacker
Lecturer in Religion
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Religion
Northwestern University

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