
Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Fri Sep 23 11:39:33 UTC 2005

I think these items must still be in the British Museum--see the 
thread 'Buddhist Relics from Bhilsa Topes' , on this list, January 

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

At 7:27 am -0400 23/9/05, Dan Lusthaus wrote:
>Someone else has brought to my attention that Cunningham, describing what he
>found at the third Stupa at Sanchi, reports on the seven precious items
>entombed there, and the vai.duulya was lapis lazuli. Are those items still
>preserved and available somewhere? Has anyone checked recently to determine
>whether it really was lapis lazuli or beryl?
>Dan Lusthaus
>I promise this will be the last time I post on query on this topic.

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