The adbuction of the lotus-flower by the king of elephants

Ashok Aklujkar aklujkar at INTERCHANGE.UBC.CA
Mon Sep 19 17:44:02 UTC 2005

As I recall, no reference has so far been made to the following in the
responses so far given to help Dr. Vielle with his query:

In Bhaagavata 8.2-3 (and possibly other sources) occurs the story
of (which is frequently referred to in making the point that
God/ protects his devotees in distress and is thus quite well-known).
A king of elephants finds his leg/foot in the jaws of a graaha or nakra. No
matter how hard he tries, he cannot extricate the leg/foot. He begins to
pray to As he sees approaching, he offers to him, even
while he is in great distress, the lotus he has taken in his trunk
(utk.sipya saambuja-karam ...).

ashok aklujkar

On 9/14/05 12:11 PM, "Christophe Vielle" <vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE> wrote:

> about a king abducting a princess, I come across the following simile:
> jahaara raajatanayaaM  gajaraa.d iva padminiim
> I do not know any mythological story about a king of elephants abducting a
> lotus-flower (of course, a possible meaning of padminii is "female
> elephant", but the male elephant usually do not abduct the female).
> Has somebody already come across this simile in kaavya, or such a story in
> any kathaa?

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