arsenic-treated traditional papers available?

Hartmut Buescher buescher at HUM.KU.DK
Sun Jul 17 07:29:33 UTC 2005

Dear Allan,

as regards the production of such yellow 
(as well as blue-black) types of paper -- often the 
paper is actually treated only on one side -- one 
should not forget Nepal. 
(We have got quite a few of such MSS in the 
Royal Library of Copenhagen). And with regard to
 the traditional production of paper in Nepal there 
exists an excellent study:

Jesper TRIER
Ancient paper of Nepal : Results of ethnotechnological 
field work on its manufacture, uses and history - with 
technical analyses of bast, paper and manuscripts.
Copenhagen 1972
(Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs skrifter ; 10)

(A search in e.g. the Virtual Karlsruhe library may 
show you where the book is available)

According to Trier's descriptions the traditional production 
of paper proceeded somewhere in the forests close to 
where the raw materials were at hand. Hence, if this is 
still the case, fresh samples might only be available on 
the market places of some Nepalese towns.

Best regards,


Does anyone know if the yellow papers traditionally used in Bengal,
Assam, and Tibet against insects are still produced, and if so, how to
contact the firms?  Our Conservation department is interested in
studying the ones in our manuscripts, and I'd like to get some fresh

I will of course consult the several recent books on traditional South
Asian papers, and the magazines on the subject.



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