Latest chapter in Jim Laine's Shivaji saga

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Fri Jan 21 02:51:58 UTC 2005

Dear Indologists,

Just for your information, here is the latest chapter in the James Laine saga.  The Marathi newspaper SAKAL from Pune is reporting in its E-edition today that Udayan Raje Bhosale of Satara has filed a law-suit in the local court against James Laine and his ten Maharashtrian collaborators including Shrikant Bahulkar, Sucheta Paranjpe, V.L. Manjul, Rekha and Yashwant Damle, and Bhaskar and Meena Chandavarkar.  The judge has ordered all these 'accused' to appear before the court on April 2.  They have been charged with conspiracy to defame Shivaji and cause pain to his family.

Madhav M. Deshpande

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