Unusual ways of rearing one's young

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Sat Feb 26 10:18:56 UTC 2005

I would not be surprised if the "mind-born sons
of Brahma" were also "mind-reared" ...
And wasn't Kasyapa (the "Tortoise"!) one of those
mind-born ones (or very close to them in the
geneological tree)?

was not only mind-born but alsalso reared
--- Martin Gansten <Martin.Gansten at TEOL.LU.SE>

> >Yes. In BhAgavata-purANam as I remember, it is
> said that
> >tortoise will rear their young by simply
> thinkig about them.
> >The verse reads as "apatyamiva kUrmANAm.....".
> I will
> >locate the exact verse and let you know in one
> or two days.
> Please do. I searched my own edition of the
> Bhagavata, but could not find
> the verse. I would still be interested in other
> sources, particularly older
> ones.
> Best regards,
> Martin

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