elves: Indic counterpart?

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Tue Feb 8 11:43:23 UTC 2005

It's certainly easier to see Galadriel as a vidyaadharii than as an
apsaras (or a yak.sii).  But wouldn't the Wizards (as portrayed by
Tolkien, as semi-divine beings) perhaps be siddhas?

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

At 2:51 am -0600 8/2/05, Matthew Kapstein wrote:
>aspects of yak.sa-lore seem relevant, too, particularly
>associations with vegetation and wealth,
>though they have a malevolent side which would
>not do for Tolkein's elves (though perhaps accords
>with the mythology more generally).
>On this, of course, see Coomaraswamy.
>And what of the vidyaadharas and siddhas, as known
>in the epics? Elvish longevity and command of wonders
>might incline one to favor the vidyaadharas here.

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