Gerdi Gerschheimer [EPHE] (Re: prof. Gesheimer

Jean-Luc Chevillard jlc at CCR.JUSSIEU.FR
Thu Sep 16 14:11:53 UTC 2004

At 14:13 16/09/2004, you wrote:

>Dear friends,
>please give me the email address of Prof. Gerdi Gershimmer (IF I am 
>correct in spelling)


the correct spelling is

Gerdi Gerschheimer.

You can write to him at the following adress:

EPHE - Section des Sciences religieuses

45-47, rue des Écoles

75005 Paris

>  who was director of studies in EFEO Paris.

He teaches at the EPHE, Vè section,
where he is "Directeur d'études".


Best wishes

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard
(UMR 7597, CNRS, Université Paris 7)

>  No more he is there.

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