AmRtatarangi.nii of Lak.smiidhara
Christophe Vielle
vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Fri Sep 10 20:10:26 UTC 2004
Dear members of the list,
is there somebody who could have some information (edition, dating, study)
about the AmRtatarangi.nii of Lak.smiidhara (son of NRsi.mha, distinct from
the famous nibandha, ), an advaitic commentary on the
(not listed in the Ahmedabad critical edition) which is found in
malayalam-script manuscripts only (but much less popular in Kerala than the
commentary K.r.s.napadii of Raaghavaananda).
Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32-(0)10-47 49 54 (office)/ -(0)2-640 62 66 (home)
E-mail: vielle at
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