Unattested Tibetan phrase

Mon May 24 20:46:50 UTC 2004

On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 05:55:48PM +0100, Stephen Hodge wrote:
> As is well known, a number of Mahayana sutras contain descriptions of
> pu.skari.nii pools with their stairways leading down to the water.  I have
> one such passage which contains the Tibetan phrase " 'drul-ba'i lam" but I
> cannot find any mention of 'drul-ba that would make sense in the context
> (i.e. it's not a "rotten path") -- it's also not a misprint since several
> Kanjura editions have it.  The Chinese parallels to my passage omit it
> altogether and the Mongolian doesn't seem to help much either.   The
> sentence says that the pools have 'drul-ba'i lam which are furnished with
> stairways with golden steps.  From the context I would assume that
> 'drul-ba'i lam could mean something like a descending ramp.  But has anybody
> come across this expression and can suggest a possible Skt form ?

 drul ba'i lam <===> puutimaarga ?

Best regards,

 Richard Mahoney

Richard MAHONEY | internet: homepages.comnet.net.nz/~r-mahoney
Littledene      | telephone / telefax (man.): ++64 3 312 1699
Bay Road        | cellular: ++64 25 829 986
OXFORD, NZ      | e-mail: r.mahoney[use"@"]comnet.net.nz

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