the Sanskrit for Hand held attribute

Robert Goldman sseas at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Mon May 10 15:47:16 UTC 2004

>  The term usually used is AyudhaH/Ayudham as in epithets such as
>halAyudhaH for BalarAma..

>  Dear Colleagues,
>Does any on the list know of a generic term for attributes in
>Sanskrit or Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit?  The various weapons tools and
>symbols held by Buddhist persona, all have names of which we are well
>aware but after forty-six years the generic term, if there is one,
>still eludes me.
>Thank you all
>John C. Huntington, Professor
>    (Buddhist Art and Methodologies)
>Department of the History of Art
>108 North Oval Mall
>The Ohio state University
>Columbus, OH 43210-1318 U.S.A.
>huntington.2 at
>Direct Line to office (614) 688-8198
>Main Department Office: (614) 2927481
>Fax: (614) 292-4401
>Please see Dr. Dina Bangdel and my current exhibition at:
>Please visit the Huntington Archive website at:

Dr. R. P.  Goldman
Professor of Sanskrit
Department of  South and Southeast Asian Studies
7303 Dwinelle Hall MC #2540
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-2540
email: sseas at
Phone: (510) 642-4089
Fax:     (510) 642.2409

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