Meaning of parasvat

Patrick Olivelle jpo at UTS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU
Tue Jun 29 12:58:22 UTC 2004

Martin: here I am actually following Albrecht Frenz (IIJ, 11:
1968-69, p. 106) where he translates the term as Nanhorn. At page 83,
note 4 he refers to Luders essay in ZDMG 96 (1942), pp. 50-56 (I
don't have access to here at home). MW gets his "wild ass", of
course, from B-R. I cannot find my private notes on this right now,
but at least here in the context of lion, boar, and tiger, one must
assume a larger and more prominent animal than a donkey.


>Patrick Olivelle, in his translation of KauUp 1.2, translates parasvat as
>'rhinoceros', rather than the 'wild ass' suggested by MW. He does note the
>variant reading para´svat (MW: 'snake'), but as far as I can see, there is
>no comment on the rhinoceros translation. Can anyone enlighten me on the
>Thanks in advance,
>Martin Gansten

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