Conference announcement

David Magier magier at COLUMBIA.EDU
Wed Jan 28 11:56:11 UTC 2004

The following conference announcement is being forwarded to your
listserv or mailing list from the EVENTS section of SARAI (South Asia
Resource Access on the Internet). Additional South Asia events can be
found there at:
Please contact event organizers directly, as listed below, for any
further information on this conference.
David Magier

Neoliberalism in South Asia: Culture, Gender, and Labor

The 21st Annual Spring Symposium of the Center for South Asian
Studies at the University of Hawai'i is scheduled for April 15-16,
2004. This year's Symposium is titled "Neoliberalism in South Asia:
Culture, Gender, and Labor."
In the 1980s and 1990s, South Asian countries adopted neoliberal
policies that led to increased foreign investment, export-oriented
economies, and cuts in public spending.With these transformations,
South Asia has become increasingly enmeshed in global and gendered
flows of culture and labor. What localized responses have these
processes generated? The CSAS Spring symposium will focus on such key
themes as:

       * economy/poverty
       * state practices and policy
       * popular culture, film/media/TV
       * gender and sustainability
       * women's movements
       * religion
       * migration (domestic: rural/urban)/ diaspora
       * labor rights
       * technology

Papers addressing theoretical innovations in understanding
neoliberalism in these different contexts are also invited.
Paper proposals must include presenter's name, contact information
(including e-mail address, mailing address, and telephone number),
paper title, and abstract (no more than 250 words). If a paper
proposal is accepted, two nights accommodation for presenters
visiting Hawai'i will be provided on campus. Travel to and from
Hawai'i must be made at the presenter's expense.

Submit paper proposals to:
        Center for South Asian Studies
        223 Moore Hall
        University of Hawai'i at Mänoa
        Honolulu, HI 96822
        csas at


The CSAS Spring Symposium is made possible via the generous support
of G.J. and Ellen Watumull and The Sidney Stern Memorial Trust.


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