SV: attack on Professor S. Bahulkar

Lars Martin Fosse lmfosse at ONLINE.NO
Tue Jan 6 12:34:15 UTC 2004

Reinhold Grünendahl wrote:

> Times Higher Education Supplement (THES, 21.11.2003) shows 
> that Europe (including the British Isles, home of democracy 
> and tolerance) is not exempted from these deplorable developments.
> The article by Alison Goddard entitled "Email threats and 
> egg- throwing sparks fears of Hindu extremism" (p. 52) 
> reports that "Wendy Doniger, professor of the history of 
> religions at the University of Chicago, was attacked while 
> giving a lecture on Hindu texts at the School of Oriental and 
> African Studies last Wednesday evening... 

This development does not surprise me at all! I have expected this kind
of thing for a long time. Scholars have to consider the fact that
various "conservative" religious forces now actively target academia -
and not only Hindutvavadins. Scholars now have to give some thought to
how they are to handle threats, harassment, and possibly even
assassination attempts. (Letter bombs targeting Italian EU politicians
are popular in Europe right now, and why not send that sort of thing to
an academic you don't like?)

> It goes without saying that the real issue is not the views 
> of James W. Laine, S. Bahulkar, Wendy Doniger, Rachel Dwyer 
> or anyone else, which one may endorse or otherwise. What is 
> at issue here is the freedom to express and discuss them, 
> which provides the basis of academic exchange - indeed, the 
> fabric of a democratic society.

This is perfectly correct. But at the more immediate level, it is a
matter of personal security for scholars, who may have to come up with
solutions that enable them to work freely in a hostile and insecure
environment. There will not only be threats from the street, but
possibly also problems with political authorities who have to cater to
voters who may hold "anti-academic" views. I don't fear this problem for
Scandinavia, but it may become a real issue in other places. 

Best regards,

Lars Martin Fosse

From: Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo - Norway
Phone: +47 22 32 12 19 Fax:  +47 850 21 250
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