1st International Workshop on the Dynamics of Rituals

Christoph Emmrich christoph.emmrich at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Thu Feb 12 15:00:00 UTC 2004

Dear friends and colleagues,

This is just a brief note to tell you that the 1st International
Workshop on the Dynamics of Rituals is currently being organized by the
Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 619) "Dynamics of Ritual" of
Heidelberg University. The workshop will be held in Bhaktapur, Nepal
from 23. August until 12. September 2004 and focus on "Rituals in
Nepal". For more information on the workshop, how to apply etc. please
click here and look at our website. (You may also use the hyperlink:

With best regards,
the organisers,

Prof. Niels Gutschow, Dr. Brigitte Merz and Prof. Axel Michaels


Christoph Emmrich
Classical Indology
South Asia Institute
University of Heidelberg

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