DHIIR (Cambridge, UK) closing down
Elizabeth De Michelis
e.demichelis at DIVINITY.CAM.AC.UK
Sat Dec 11 17:45:32 UTC 2004
Dear Colleagues,
Re: DHIIR (Cambridge, UK) closing down
Those of you who know about the DHIIR
(http://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/dhiir/), University of Cambridge, UK, or who
have an interest in research on yoga, Ayurveda and their modernisation may
be interested in the following:
The DHIIR (especially known over the last few years for its research on the
modernisation of yoga and Ayurveda) closed down at the end of September
2004. This step was taken as it was unanimously agreed that any further
funding should now be used to sponsor active laboratory research in
Ayurveda. The latter type of research, of course, could not be carried out
at the Faculty of Divinity.
Former DHIIR staff have since moved on to other things: I remain at the
Faculty of Divinity as CARTS Reseach Fellow, where I will continue my
research on Modern Yoga and related subjects. My former Research
Assistants, Ms Dagmar Benner and Mr Mark Singleton, have resumed work on
their PhD theses and Mrs Rajashree Dhanaraj, former DHIIR
Secretary-Coordinator, is still working for the University of Cambridge,
but now at the Department of Public Health & Primary Care.
Further information about these and future developments will be found in
the closing-down issue of the DHIIR Newsletter (pls request if interested)
and, in due course, on my website at: www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/modernyoga
With best regards
Elizabeth De Michelis, former Director, DHIIR
Dr Elizabeth De Michelis
University of Cambridge
Faculty of Divinity Tel +44-(0)1223-763015
West Road Fax +44-(0)1223-763014
Cambridge, UK CB3 9BS
for details of recently published book please see
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