
Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at MACUNLIMITED.NET
Tue Aug 24 13:21:30 UTC 2004

The Upanishadic ones are: ChAndogya VII.5 (twice), KauSItakI III.3,
Prazna III.10 and MaitrI IV.6 (or in some editions VI.34 ), in a
sequenceof verses.  The first I think would be considered
pre-Buddhist by practically everybody.  The last would be considered
post-Buddhist, and indeed Buddhist-influenced, by most.

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

>I wonder if anybody could tell me of any early attested occurences of the
>word "citta" (mind etc) in early upanishadic or vedic texts -- in other
>words, any probable pre-Buddhist occurences.  I ask because I do not have
>access at present to indexes or searchable texts.  Many thanks.
>Stephen Hodge

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