A large collection of Vedic recitations

Asko Parpola Asko.Parpola at HELSINKI.FI
Fri Nov 21 09:13:20 UTC 2003

As announced at the 12th World Sanskrit Conference in Helsinki in July
2003, the Danish researcher Ms Guni Hesting Kirchheiner has completed
her long project of recording "The four Vedas" in India.
The recordings were made to preserve the traditions of Vedic
recitations, and to make them available for scholarly research. The
recordings are not sold to private persons and political or social
organizations, but university institutions and scholarly libraries can
purchase a copy for research purposes. Copying is not allowed and will
be followed by legal action. The full set of 446 CD's costs DKK 25.000
(approximately USD 3.200) plus handling charges, postage and applicable
taxes. Orders are to be sent to:
Department of Orientalia and Judaica,
The Royal Library, P.O.Box 2149, l0l6 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
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