Fwd: mukta 'open'

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Thu Nov 13 12:27:41 UTC 2003

Dear Ashok,
Thanks for your contribution, I am happy to
forward it to the list.

--- Ashok Aklujkar <a_akluj at bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:26:23 +0900
Subject: mukta 'open'
From: Ashok Aklujkar
<a_akluj at bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
To: "Jan E.M. Houben" <j_e_m_houben at yahoo.com>

Dear Jan.

You wrote:
>Could you point out occurrences of
 mukta-vidyaapii.tha and of mukta-dvaara?<

I have read mukta-vidyaapii.tha in the context
of Yashwantrao Chavan
Maharashtra Open University. Unfortunately, the
website of this institution
is still under construction. So, I could not
see how it speaks of itself in
Marathi. However, I did notice the following:

>Mukta Vidya Kendra (Open University Centre)<


>The drama was not fully a stage drama. He
presented the drama as �Kathakata� in
open air or �mukta mancha�<

From: http://www.asiaosc.org/article_42.html
The Mukta (Free) Bangla Fonts Project is happy
to announce the release of the
Sagar Open Type Font for Bangla. ... This is
also the first font of the
project to be developed using completely Free
tools. ... The Mukta (Free)
Bangla Fonts Project is a completely volunteer
run effort to provide
Free/Open Source OpenType fonts for the Bangla
(Bengali) language. ... It is
a sub project of the "Ankur - Bengali in
Free/Libre/Open Source Software

>Muktasana Mukta means "to Liberate." These are
Liberating Poses>


>"... the matter will be discussed in the
executive committee of the Mukta
Mancha where the final decision will be taken,"
he said. [Ajit] Panja, who
fell out with Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee
two years ago and recently
floated the platform 'Mukta Mancha'...<


one can
find a list of open universities in India. The
links lead to e-mail
addresses. If you find the time to do so, pl.
ask on each e-mail address how
the open university concerned speaks of itself
in the local language.

For practical reasons I will not participate in
the discussion, but you can
forward, if you wish, my findings to the list.

Best wishes.


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