Satavari (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Thu Nov 6 00:45:36 UTC 2003

Please address replies to the list and to Todd Caldecott directly.

Forwarded query:

> ----------
>> From: Todd Caldecott <phyto at>
>> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 15:17:59 -0700
>> [...]
>> and for my first question,
>> one that has been bugging me for some time is the etymology of
>> Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
>> variously translated as "100 whorls" or "100 husbands"
>> the most commonly presented understanding of the term "-vari" is
>> water,
>> which makes the designation of "whorls" or "husbands" somewhat
>> confusing...
>> yes it is a whorled plant (cladodes arising from the nodes), and yes
>> it
>> is commonly held to be an important vajikarana rasayana
>> but usually the etymology of Indian plants is relatively
>> straightforward
>> not this one...
>> comments?
>> thanks...
Todd Caldecott, Cl.H., AHG
Clinical Herbalist
Wild Rose Clinic
Director of Clinical Herbal Studies
Wild Rose College of Natural Healing
400 - 1228 Kensington Rd. NW
Calgary, AB  T2N 5P6  CANADA
tel: (403) 270-0891 ext 315
fax: (403) 283-0799
email: phyto at

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