facsimile editions

Christophe Vielle vielle at ORI.UCL.AC.BE
Thu Jan 9 08:32:35 UTC 2003

I would suggest:
W. Kirfel's Pur-a.na Pa?ncalak.sa.na;
and all the old editions in the Bibliotheca Indica series, the Trivandrum
Sanskrit series (only some of them have been reprinted by Nag or
Munshiram), the K-avya m-al-a series or without-series of the Nir.naya
S-agara Press in Bombay (also only a few reprinted in India) and the Bombay
Sanskrit series. The full availability of such important series is a
desideratum for individual Indologists as well as for "young" university
libraries (even the old university libraries could be interested to buy new
exemplars of them).

>Dear colleagues,
>I have been asked to suggest items for publication in the form of
>facsimile editions, and wonder if members of the list might be in a
>position to help.
>There are no specific criteria except that the resulting book(s) will
>have a good market in international academic and other particular
>specialist libraries worldwide, and any additional readership that the
>particular volume(s) might have.
>There is particular interest in printing editions of original Sanskrit
>manuscripts or out-of-print classic Sanskrit texts, in order to issue
>these for wider readership worldwide.
>The format would probably be: a facsimile of the original text
>(manuscript or printed text), together with a translation on the facing
>page or as the second part of the volume.
>Suggestions should go directly to Sarah Lloyd, Commissioning
>Editor, Ashgate Publishing Ltd (SLloyd at Ashgatepub.co.uk).
>Thank you,
>Julia Leslie

Dr. Christophe Vielle
Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud
Institut orientaliste
Place Blaise Pascal 1
B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. +32-(0)10-47 49 54 (office)/ -(0)2-640 62 66 (home)
E-mail: vielle at ori.ucl.ac.be

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