Editions of Vik.rti-paa.thas of Vedic texts

Peter M. Scharf Scharf at BROWN.EDU
Tue Feb 25 19:07:56 UTC 2003

>From: ukmvu at xs4all.nl
>Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 12:55:09 -0500
>To: "Peter M. Scharf" <Scharf at brown.edu>
>X-Brown-MailScanner: Found to be clean
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>Regarding the 8 Vikritis below--is anyone aware of any editions of Rig,
>Sama, Yajur (Taittiriya or Shukla), Atharva appearing in print showing one or
>more of the different Paathas--methods of recitation:
>Pada Paatha
>Krama Paatha
>Jata Paatha
>Ratha Paatha
>Danda Paatha
>Dhvaja Paatha
>Mala Paatha
>Ghana Paatha
>Thank you.

Peter M. Scharf             (401) 863-2720 office
Department of Classics      (401) 863-2123 dept
Brown University
PO Box 1856                 (401) 863-7484 fax
Providence, RI 02912        Scharf at brown.edu

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