introduction and a question

Alfred Collins acollins at GCI.NET
Wed Dec 17 06:21:54 UTC 2003

Yes, thank you, that is certainly the sort of poem I remembered.  I don't think it is the same one, but of the same genre. Thanks again,

Al Collins

----- Original Message -----
From: Whitney Cox <wmcox at UCHICAGO.EDU>
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:45 am
Subject: Re: introduction and a question

> Dr. Collins,
> Perhaps you mean the final verse of Bhart.rhari's Vairaagya"sataka
> (Chowkambhaed.):
> maatar medini taataa maaruta sakhe teja.h subandho jala
> bhraatar vyoma nibaddha eva bhavataam antya.h pra.naanaa~njali.h |
> yu.smatsa"ngava"sopajaatasuk.rtasphaarasphurannirmala-
> j~naanaapaastasamastamohamahimaa liiye ||
> In Ingalls' translation (An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry, p 12):
> My father wind and you my mother earth,
> Fire, my friend, water, my near relation
> And you my brother sky; in this last breath
> Of mortal life I send you salutation.
> From living ever with you comes this birth
> Of uncontaminated wisdom with increase
> Of goodness that all darkness and all folly cease
> As now I live in brahma in my death.
> Whitney Cox

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