increasinggreed/desires like salt water

Jonathan Silk silk at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Mon Dec 1 02:04:05 UTC 2003

Would anyone happen to know examples of what is obviously a
proverbial expression, which I know in two forms:
1.  For a rich man his thirst for wealth increases just like thirst
for salt water

2.  lusts are just like salt water--the more they are enjoyed, the
more they are craved

both referring of course to the idea that the more one drinks salt
water the thirstier one becomes.

I have several Buddhist examples, but I suspect this must be a common


PS:  on the principle that it is better to teach a man to fish than
to feed him, how would one go about searching for proverbs like this?
(I suspect that such things do not qualify as nyaayas, for which we
have Jacob's three books...of course, I cannot find my copies now...).
Jonathan Silk
Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures
Center for Buddhist Studies
290 Royce Hall
Box 951540
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540
phone: (310)206-8235
fax:  (310)825-8808
silk at

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