12th World Sanskrit Conference - 2nd circular

Petteri Koskikallio Petteri.Koskikallio at HELSINKI.FI
Thu Sep 26 15:24:21 UTC 2002

The 12th World Sanskrit Conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland in
July 14-18, 2002. The organizers would like to inform that the 2nd
circular of the 12th WSC has been published. Detailed information
concerning the registration, accommodation, tours, sections and other
practical matters is available at our updated web-site


In addition to the web-version of the 2nd circular, the site contains
the necessary forms for registration, for hotel & tours reservation and
for sending an abstract. The forms can be filled in and forwarded to us
electronically. I apologize for a possible double mailing, as some of
you might have received this document in another posting.

Petteri Koskikallio
Conference Secretary
12th WSC
petteri.koskikallio at helsinki.fi

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