Request for article by Vogel

Hartmut Buescher buescher at HUM.KU.DK
Mon Sep 23 13:12:49 UTC 2002

Kære Ulrich,

 hvis du søger med stikord "bijdragen og volkenkunde", så kommer det i
<bold>rex</bold> som nummer 6. Men så skal du bestille med "Gul
bestillingsblanket", fordi bd. 8 (1906) har ikke været lånt ud i lang

Med bedste hilsner,


>Dear Indology-list,

>I am in need of a brief article by Jean Philippe Vogel entitled

>kirti" published in "Bijdragen tot the Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde

>Nederlandsch-Indië", vol. VIII, 5 (1906), pp. 344-348.


>Unfortunately, this journal is not avaible in Denmark. Would it be

>for anyone, who has access to this journal, to send me a photocopy of

>couple of pages?



>Ulrich T. Kragh

>Ph.D. student

>Dept. of Asian Studies

>University of Copenhagen

>Leifsgade 33

>2300 Copenhagen S

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