tardy response to two questions

Stefan Baums sbaums at GMX.NET
Tue Nov 26 01:56:42 UTC 2002

> But in fact it also has the sense 'ear', as is
> shown by Avestan gaoSa, as well as Skt. compounds like azvaghoSa.

Is it not preferable to interpret the name AzvaghoSa as "horse-voiced"
instead of "horse-eared," just as Buddhaghosa would seem to mean
"having the voice," not "ears," "of the Buddha"?  Having the voice of
a horse (strong, clear) is certainly desirable in a general way, but
maybe there is some more particularly Buddhist idea behind this
animal-voice imagery, cf. the oft-invoked siMhanAda.

Stefan Baums

Stefan Baums
Asian Languages and Literature
University of Washington

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