MaanavaGS mantra in Kaa.thakaGS?

Arlo Griffiths A.Griffiths at LET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Thu Mar 14 15:27:04 UTC 2002

Dear Indologists,

In his crit. app. to the mantras given in his ed. of the MaanGS, p. 58, and
again in his mantra-index, i.a. p. 153, Knauer suggests that the mantras in
question (bodha;s ca maa pratibodha;s ca ...) are found also in the
Kaa.thakag.rhyasuutra, besides their parallel in KS 37.10 and AV;S 8.1.13.
    However, the mantras are not found in the mantra-index to Caland's
Kaa.thGS ed., nor can I find a reference to a Kaa.thGS attestation anywhere
else (e.g. Dresden's transl. of the MaanGS place does mention KS and PaarGS
parallels, but none for Kaa.thGS). What place did Knauer have in mind?

Can anyone who is more familiar than I am with the labyrinth of Ka.tha texts
lend me a hand?


-- Arlo Griffiths

CNWS / Instituut Kern
Universiteit Leiden
Postbus 9515
2300 RA  Leiden
the Netherlands

tel.: +31-71-5274128

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