Frits Staal
Mon Mar 11 20:11:46 UTC 2002
I am very happy to have Stefan Baums' list but have a few additions, the
first not exactly responding to the question but worth knowing:
Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle, 1968, The Sound Pattern of English, New York
etc.: Harper & Row, page 435 (the last page of the text), the last rule:
(62) a > a
(disregarding macrons which I don't have on E-mail)
Paul Kiparsky, 1979, Panini as a Variationist, Poona and Cambridge: Poona
University Press and MIT Press
Paul Kiparsky, 1982, Some Theoretical Problems in Panini's Grammar.
Professor K.B. Abhyankar Memorial Lectures, Second Series, Poona:
Post-Graduate and Research Department Series No.16.
Paul Kiparsky, 2002, On the Architecture of Panini's Grammar, Hyderabad:
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages
Paul Kiparsky and Frits Staal, Syntactic and Semantic Relations in Panini,
Foundations of Language 5 (1969) 83-117. Reprinted in my 1988 book:
Universals. Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics, Chicago and London:
The University of Chicago Press, pp. 184-218.
Frits Staal, Context-Sensitive Rules in Panini, Foundations of Language 1
(1965) 63-72. Reprinted in my 1988 book: Universals. Studies in Indian
Logic and Linguistics, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press,
pp. 171-80.
Frits Staal, The Sanskrit of Science, Journal of Indian Philosophy 23
(1995) 73-127.
Finally, I warmly endorse Stefan Baums' recommendation "to go through the
indices of recent linguistic handbooks" (add: journals).
At 04:26 PM 3/11/02 +0100, you wrote:
>Sorry for cross-postings!
>Does anybody on the list know about studies of Sanskrit grammar relying on
>transformational grammar, government & binding theory or other new-fangled
>linguistic methods? I would be grateful for bibliographic data!
>Best regards,
>Lars Martin Fosse
>Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
>Haugerudvn. 76, H0102,
>0674 Oslo
>Phone: +47 22 32 12 19
>Mobile phone: +47 90 91 91 45
>Fax 1: +47 22 32 12 19
>Fax 2: +47 85 02 12 50 (InFax)
>Email: lmfosse at
Frits Staal
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