new publication: Aldous Huxley between East and West

Jan E.M. Houben j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM
Mon Mar 11 15:16:21 UTC 2002

Readers of this list may be interested to know
that the book Aldous Huxley between East and West
(ed. by C.C. Barfoot, New York/Amsterdam: Rodopi;
e-mail: orders-queries at /, containing proceedings of a
seminar held in Leiden a few years ago, has now
appeared. Anglicists and a few Indologists
contributed to this volume.
(sorry for cross-posting)
1. Tilmann Vetter: Introduction: Aldous Huxley
between East and West.
2. Bernard Bergonzi: Aldous Huxley and Aunt Mary.
3. Wim Tigges: White Peacocks in a Waste Land: A
Reading of "Crome Yellow".
4. Robert S. Baker: Science and Modernity in
Aldous Huxley's Interwar Essays and Novels.
5. James Sexton: Aldous Huxley's Three Plays,
6. C.C. Barfoot: Huxley on the Bus: From the
Burning Wheel to the Yellow Mustard Seed.
7. Dominic Baker-Smith: The World to Come: Aldous
Huxley and the Utopian Parable.
8. Geoff Jaeger: The Palanese Way: Engaged
Enlightenment in Aldous Huxley's "Island".
9. Bernfried Nugel: Aldous Huxley's "Introduction
of a Brand New Personage" in "Island": Abdul
Pierre Bagu, Ambassador of Rendang.
10. Lambert Schmithausen: Aldous Huxley's View of
11. Johannes Bronkhorst: The Perennial Philosophy
and the Law of Karma.
12. Albrecht Wezler: "Psychedelic" Drugs as Means
to Mystical Experience: Aldous Huxley versus
Indian Reality.
13. Wilhelm Halbfass: Mescaline and Indian
Philosophy: Aldous Huxley and the Mythology of
Notes on Contributors.

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