Manipravalam (Lilatilakam)

Timothy C. Cahill tccahill at LOYNO.EDU
Fri Jan 25 17:57:09 UTC 2002

To follow up on George Hart's remarks I'd like to point out that the
Lilatilakam has been edited at least seven times.  For details see entries
no. 520-526 in *An Annotated Bibliography of the Alamkarasastra* [HdO]
(Leiden: Brill, 2001).  Also listed there are several articles (see the
index), including the recent "Rubies and Coral: the Lapidary Crafting of
Language in Kerala" by Rich Freeman (JAS vol. 57.1 Feb. '98, pp. 38-65).
Apart from his jointly authored book (forthcoming), V. Narayana Rao has
published "Coconut and Honey: Sanskrit and Telugu in Pre-modern Andhra"
(Social Scientist 23 (10-12), pp. 24-40.)

best wishes,
Tim Cahill

> Malayalam literature in Manipravalam, also untouched.  This combines native
> Malayalam vocabulary and grammar with Sanskrit vocabulary and grammar (e.g.
> Aham grhee niRkunnu -- I stay at home, where niRkunnu means "stand," "stay"
> in Malayalam and has a Malayalam form).  True, Sanskrit is rich and
> endlessly interesting -- but so are traditions like Telugu and Malayalam,
> and when you work with these languages, you are mining material that has
> been little explored by modern scholars (though for Telugu literature we are
> fortunate to have a forthcoming volume from Narayanarao and Shulman).
> On another note, as a native American English speaker, I have been repeating
> "yepp" over and over, trying to figure out what I say.  My mother used to
> become quite distressed whenever I uttered that word, but it still escapes
> me now and then.  All I can figure out is that there is a larger expulsion
> of air after the final "p" -- larger than, say, in "path."  It seems pretty
> plosive to me.  George Hart
> On 1/25/02 5:32 AM, "Jan E.M. Houben" <j_e_m_houben at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> > For the Paa.niniiyas among you:
> > For centuries western scholars and missionaries have
> > been describing most divergent languages all over the
> > world in the categories of Latin grammar. What will
> > happen if we start to describe a European language,
> > for instance German, "through the eyes" of Paa.nini's
> > theoretical approach? Will it give new insights on the
> > structure of German? Does it solve old problems or
> > does it create (interesting or unnecessary) new ones?
> > Does it also give new insights on Paa.nini's
> > theoretical system?
> >
> > These issues are courageously taken up in a recent
> > paper by Prof. Peter Raster (Essen). See the *Essener
> > Linguistische Skripte - elektronisch*, issue of
> > December 2001:
> >
> >
> >
> > Best, Jan Houben
> >
> >
> >
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