Indo-Aryan, Indo-European (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Tue Jan 8 14:51:02 UTC 2002

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 10:52:24 +0000
From: John Day <johnvday at>
To: d.wujastyk at
Subject: Indo-Aryan, Indo-European

Dear Dominik Wujastyk

I thought your list subscribers might be interested in a new book of mine:
_Indo-European Origins: The Anthropological Evidence_ (Institute for the
Study of Man, Washington, DC, 2001; xxiv + 546 pages; ISBN 0-941694-75-5).
One can order it for $68.00 from

Prof. Victor Mair, co-author of _The Tarim Mummies_, called it "a truly
remarkable and valuable piece of work". And Prof. Friedrich Rösing, of the
Institut für Humangenetik und Anthropologie in Ulm, said: "Für die älteren
bevölkerungsgeschichtlichen Fragen in Europa is dies eine Scharnierarbeit,
sie teilt in davor und danach, denn sie behandelt nicht nur jene einfache
Grundfragestellung, sondern vieles Weitere."

Based on a doctoral thesis supervised by J. P. Mallory, the book uses
evidence from biological anthropology -- in modern genetic patterns, ancient
skeletal remains, ancient dermatoglyphics, and hints about pigmentation
recorded in ancient texts and artworks -- combined with linguistics and
archaeology to determine where Indo-European originated and how it managed
to spread over much of Eurasia.

As for Indo-Aryan in particular, the most useful sections will be:
and about texts describing ancient Indo-Aryans and their deities;
6.3.2 about artworks depicting ancient Indo-Aryans; 8.5.3 about the skeletal
remains of ancient Indo-Aryans; 9.3.9 and 9.3.10 about genetic studies of
modern Asia and India; and 11.7 about the present-day pigmentation of
brahmins in northwest India and several peoples in the Hindu Kush (pages

With best wishes,

John V. Day

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