and sun

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Sat Feb 9 14:23:37 UTC 2002

On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Frits Staal wrote:

> I have not followed this discussion but only a detail re. #6: hamsa does
> not mean swan but goose - obvious also for semantic reasons unlike swan
> which is a typically European-Romantic (Wordsworth?) bird.

Ahh, Frits.  According to received Indological opinion, you would be
absolutely right, but Julia has been re-examining the identity of the
hamsa, and would not agree with what you say, I think.  I'll leave it to
her to state her view on this, if she wishes.  She has gone into a lot of
detail, and has sophisticated ornithological knowledge as well as the
Indological background.  As far as I can gather, "swan" is correct *in
some circumstances*.  But I must leave it to Julia to say any more.


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